Atreus Keyboard - First Impressions
Atreus Keyboard

Figure 1: Atreus Keyboard from Keyboardio
This keyboard is small and light. I found it to be an amazing size and shape. I don’t think it is too small or too close together I actually found it very comfortable. I did experience some fatigue in the beginning but that was from poor typing technique. I am a bit of a finger and touch typist. I tend to finger type with my left hand which made hitting keys like the C key really annoying because I’m used to lifting my left hand and pressing the C key with my left index finger. Super weird way to type, I know but that is what I grew accustomed to and never really fixed. Well the Atreus forces you to fix that. My left hand had a lot of bad habits to break, luckily I am patient.
Atreus is a fully Open Source keyboard which is awesome. I used the Chrysalis software to configure the keyboard to my liking. I felt the default keybindings were confusing and too opinionated. I did some research online and found blogs about other users configurations. I found this great post on and I followed most of his keybindings. I still managed to create my own keybindings which is the point of a fully customizable keyboard.

Figure 2: My second layer

Figure 3: My third layer
In closing this is awesome keyboard. It has so much potential and I am excited to keep using it. I will post updates on my progress with this keyboard.
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